The 97th Regimental String Band
on their 8 volume collection
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Songs of the Civil War.
Available on CD and digital download, these authentic renditions stir both the heart and soul. Whether you are North or South, soldier or civilian, you can experience the only true time travel..hear what they heard
Step back through time with the 97th Regimental String Band.
This is a complete list of our current musical offerings. These stereo recordings are professionally produced using acoustic Instruments and three-part vocal harmonies In traditional style. The complete lyrics are used when available. Compact Discs are $15.00 each. Recordings of the 97th are now available on Spotify,iTunes, and Amazon. Set your songlist playlist to the 97th Regimental String Band

Volume 1, copyright 1990, 45 minutes
Songs of the Civil War soldier- ballads, marches, minstrel aires - popular tunes that both sides sang 'round the campfire to cheer the heart and dispel gloom. This was our first recording published In 1986. For Improved sound and artistic considerations, we went back Into the studio in 1990 and made a new version. Earlier, 1986 copies are still available on cassette tape by special order for $20.00 each.

Volume 2, copyright 1986,45 minutes.
Popular songs of soldiers of the Civil War era, all based on their relationships (sentimental, remarkable, and whimsical) with women. Few people realize 'Dixie" is a comic love song because they've never heard all five verses. Likewise, "Wait for the Wagon* and "Lorena" are seldom given in their entirety.

Volume 3, copyright 1987, 60 minutes.

Volume 4, copyright 1989, 50 minutes.
Follow the music of the Civil War from the dank prison cell to the trenches of Vicksburg; from the blood-washed deck of the Cumberland to the final, exultant peace jubilee. These are soldier-songs that capture the feelings of the enlisted men of North and South as the fortunes of their causes ebbed ,and flowed- patriotic!l home! battles! comrades! army food!

Volume 5, copyright 1991, 45 minutes.
A nation weary of war turned to the new, uniquely American form of entertainment, the minstrel show, to find an escape. Crude jokes, slapstick, comic plays would evolve into and eventually be replaced by Vaudeville. From the first performance to the last obscure minstrel, music was the glue that held everything together. Stephen Collins Foster was one of the premier songwriters of the Civil War era as demonstrated by ten of the songs in this recording. His tunes were given the ultimate honor of being parodied time and again.

Volume 6, copyright 1995, 45 minutes.
Strap on your knapsack once again, and join the armies as they advance in the face of boredom, hunger, practical jokes, and a host of other perils. Got a first-hand account of how to utilize the ubiquitous Army Mule as a plaything or an entree.

Volume 7, copyright 1999, 50 minutes
One thing every army generates is complaints. This collection has a generous helping of melodious malcontents. From sailors whining about exhausted stogies, last women, and liquor restrictions, soldiers grousing about the "Brass" and annoying buglers, hometown complaints about the conduct of the war and their neighbors lack of patriotic pride, to Lincoln's favorite lament about life's brief span, it's all here in three-part harmony.

"Saturday Night at Sea"
Nautical songs and chanties by The 97th Regimental String Band, copyright 1994
The 97th Regimental String Band hopes you enjoy this collection of 19th Century nautical music. The soul of those great sailing ships was in the music of the men who sailed them. We've tried to recreate the jaunty spirit of those sailors, so if you find some of these songs running 'round your brain, we've accomplished our mission. Sing out strong and boisterous and enjoy!